Friday 5 April 2013

Thursday 4 April 2013 08.20 BST
Posted by Stuart Clark

“The first data from the $2bn Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) experiment on the International Space Station has confirmed a strange antimatter signal coming from space. However, the experiment has not yet collected enough data to allow scientists to determine the source of this antimatter.

It could be coming from dark matter particles, making this a major breakthrough. Or it could be coming from fast-spinning stellar corpses known as pulsars, making it merely interesting.
AMS cannot detect dark matter directly but it can detect antimatter, which some theories say will be produced when dark matter particles collide.

The antimatter signal that AMS has confirmed was first announced in 2008 by researchers using another space-based detector. The PAMELA satellite (Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics) was a multinational collaboration between Russia, Italy, Germany and Sweden. It was launched in 2006 and is still collecting data.

PAMELA discovered more positrons, the antimatter counterpart of the electron, than researchers were expecting. It spotted one positron for every 100 electrons but astronomers were expecting around one positron for every 10,000 electrons.

AMS has confirmed this excess to an unprecedented level of precision but its results can hardly be called the first hint of dark matter.

The experiment's principal investigator, Nobel laureate Samuel Ting, says the evidence collected so far "supports the existence of dark matter but cannot rule out pulsars". He could quite easily have said that sentence round the other way.

The results so far have nothing new to say about the source of the antimatter.
AMS, like PAMELA before it, works by detecting naturally occurring particles in space called cosmic rays. The spacecraft's detectors identify the particles according to their energy and electrical charge…
…• This article was amended on 4 April 2013 to make it clearer that antimatter particles are a possible signature of dark matter”

The detector, it would appear, has detected the annihilation signature of antimatter. An internet search quickly reveals many correspondents, not this one, readily accept this as proof of Dark Matter. It’s no such thing; it is proof of a unexplainably large proportion of antimatter annihilation.

Those of you who have read any of my writings will realise that my view is based on two postulates. One is that General Relativity is correct and secondly that matter and antimatter travel in the opposite directions in time. If correct, a black hole should emit antimatter particles from within the event horizon.

We are very certain that most, if not all, galaxies have supermassive black holes at their cores. We know that our galaxy has two massive lobes, one above and one below the plane of the galaxy and extending nearly the diameter of the galaxy, where antimatter annihilation is seen to take place. Most, if not all, galaxies should be the same as they too have central black holes. Therefore we should expect annihilation cosmic rays to bombard the Earth from all directions which is exactly what we see.

Although there may be many possible explanations for the source of these cosmic rays, the simplest explanation by far is the antimatter particles are being emitted by black holes.

What are the implications of black holes emitting antimatter particles and how does this fit in with observations? If antimatter is ordinary matter but traveling in the opposite direction in time, it is not meant to exist in our Universe as it is not on the same time line. A valid way of looking at the situation is antimatter travels faster than the speed of light therefore you cannot see it. In that sense antimatter is ‘dark’ matter. Antimatter, in its short life, is gravitationally repulsive to ordinary matter so it helps to expand space. Of course if it’s gravitationally repulsive it does the complete opposite of what mainstream require it to do. It cannot account for the galaxy rotation anomaly or galaxy cluster anomaly for example.

Regardless of whether antimatter is gravitationally attractive or repulsive, when it mutually annihilates with ordinary matter it creates photons (energy) and that creates space. As black holes constantly transform their matter mass into antimatter mass, the ratio of matter mass to energy in the Universe is constantly changing in favour of energy. The result being that time is constantly contracting and space is constantly expanding and that expansion is accelerating in time. How does this fit in with dark energy? Dark energy is believed to be responsible for the expansion of space but does not react with anything other than space. Photons expand space but are invisible and can therefore be regarded as ‘dark’ energy. Photons react with space as they are a major constituent of space-time. Photons are invisible and do not react with anything until obliterated at which point they are no longer photons. We don’t ‘see’ photons (light) we see the aftereffect.

To sum up:-
The detector has found a signature for ‘dark’ matter (antimatter) but this dark matter could have the opposite effect on gravity than that required. The detector has discovered ‘dark’ energy (Light [don’t you just love the irony?]) that works in exactly the way required and predicted but is not the mysterious dark energy that is believed to exist. So, the detector was looking for dark matter which it has found but maybe not thee dark matter but it has found dark energy which it wasn’t looking for but not thee mysterious dark energy.
Dark matter is believed to represent about 23 to 24 % of the Universe. If that dark matter is antimatter, it is probably only a matter of time before it mutually annihilates with ordinary matter which represents less than 5%. The antimatter will, given enough time (and it has all of the time in the Universe), annihilate the matter Universe and become dominant.

All of this fits in perfectly with my cyclic universe theory as expressed in my books and website documents.

1 comment:

  1. There is a mistake in the the sum up section, this is how it should read:-
    To sum up:-

    Dark matter is believed to represent about 23 to 24 % of the Universe. If that dark matter is antimatter and my theory is correct, the arrow of time would already have reversed, which quite obviously it hasn’t, the missing dark matter, if it exists is therefore mostly not antimatter. The antimatter will however, given enough time (and it has all of the time in the Universe), annihilate the matter Universe and become dominant but that’s another story.

    All of this fits in perfectly with my cyclic universe theory as expressed in my books and website documents.

    The preliminary results from this 18 year experiment support my theory of a cyclic Universe in the following ways:-
    1) The theory predicts the production of antimatter and its annihilation in most, if not all galaxies. Cosmic rays from the annihilation events arrive at Earth from all directions in the sky and there are galaxies in all directions. Also the annihilation lobes above and below the plane of the galaxy would produce cosmic rays from most directions in space.
    2) If antimatter is ordinary matter but traveling in the opposite direction in time, it can be thought of as traveling faster than the speed of light, so cannot be seen. Therefore it is ‘dark matter antimatter’; it can be taken as evidence to support the concept of ‘dark matter’. Or perhaps I should have said the concept of ‘dark matter supports the concept of ‘dark antimatter’, which there seems to be evidence for.
    3) Antimatter is being produced all of the time, so without the intervention of some ‘new’ physics, it seems inevitable that all matter will be recycled into antimatter as postulated in my theory of a cyclic Universe as described in my various books on the subject.
    4) Matter mass is being re-cycled into antimatter mass, thereby reducing the matter mass to energy ratio in the Universe. Time contracts and distance dilates. This is what we observe in the red-shift of light.
    5) Mutual annihilation of matter and antimatter changes the mass energy ratio of the Universe in favour of energy. Time contracts and distance dilates. This is what we observe in the red-shift of light.
